Cameron Woodward’s View on Being a 21st Century Law Firm

In our recent conversation with attorney Cameron Woodward, we discussed what it means to be a “21stCentury Law Firm.”

Our Tagline

Our April 2022 blog article covered an update to our firm’s tagline from “21st Century Trial Lawyers” to “21st Century Law Firm.” In that article, we discussed how our practice areas have expanded and that this revised tagline better suits our entire team and its growth. A large part of being a “21st Century Law Firm” is a willingness to grow and evolve. We’re proud of all the incredible growth our firm has seen since we opened in 2018.


In our conversation with Cameron Woodward, one of the main aspects of being a “21st Century Law Firm” is the ability to embrace technology and utilize it to better serve clients. Mayo | Hill has been embracing technology since its inception. In Cameron’s words, “if you refuse to grow with technology, you’re not going to be the best attorney you can be for your clients.” 

At Mayo | Hill, our user-friendly case management software helps our team be more efficient. Cameron serves as our Director of Data Analytics, working to find ways to improve the firm’s use of our case management software and researching other technology offerings to implement.

We often use Zoom and other online platforms for depositions and meetings. Through his research, Cameron was able to locate software to use in conjunction with Zoom to record these meetings and provide transcripts with hyperlinks to specific portions of the conversations. This has proven to be very helpful to all parties involved in their ongoing work of these cases. 

As discussed in our previous blog, Cameron uses technology from the very first meeting with potential clients, inputting their information directly into the case management software system. This saves the client time – and allows them to avoid mounds of paperwork – and helps the rest of the team quickly have access to any needed information to begin work on the case. 

Looking Forward

There are many years left in the 21st Century, and the hard work and values the team at Mayo | Hill are establishing now will have a lasting impact. This impact will not only be for our firm and its future but also for the lives of our clients and community. 

By looking forward and approaching each day and case with a long-term view, the firm will continue to have staying power. Mayo | Hill’s willingness to embrace technology and new ways of approaching cases will help in its ongoing success. Cameron said it well, “We’re a firm that is professional yet approachable. You don’t have to do things a certain way just because ‘that’s how it’s always been done.’” Our firm’s ability to embrace growth has already proven to be  extremely successful, and we’re eager to see what’s in store for Mayo | Hill in the years to come. 

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